Posts tagged travel

Find Out MoreVirtuoso


Linda had the opportunity to stop by the Bellagio in Las Vegas as Virtuoso took over for their annual “Travel Week” where the best of the best in the industry get together to talk the latest and greatest in travel. CEO, Matthew Upchuch, the unoffical Mayor of Vegas for the week, took Linda around to see what Virtuoso is all about. So what is Virtuoso? Well, it’s the travel industry’s leading luxury network. It consists of both travel advisors and travel partners such as hotels, cruise lines and tour operators. Based on your preferences, Virtuoso will hook you up with an advisor to plan your trip to your specific needs …

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BlogLinda's BlogPersonalWell Being

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

I am on my way to Mumbai, India to tape for next show and I am looking forward to all of the signs I did not expect that will present themselves. The coincidences are the signs; “guiding lights.” I mentioned we are like computers in a previous blog. Let’s say we are programmable and like your laptop or mobile device, the results come when it is programmed specifically. We allow so many others to program our thoughts we become reactive to the next thing that happens so that doesn’t make us happy. The real happiness or inner power come when we accept that the ultimate program designer is ourselves. So, …

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The Life Force in Oz

As I drank out of yet another plastic bottle, I could hear the late George Carlin in his epic, “Save the Planet” monologue, the earth just wanted the human race to invent plastic and now she will dispose of us like we dispose of plastic. Anyway, I must do better. If I do, I know things everywhere will get better.  As Gandhi said, “Change yourself, change the world. I believe this! Clarence from the Mingingbal people of Australia, shows us how 30,000 years of his ancestors’ living in sync with the planet can be our course now. They knew the difference between dominion over the earth and domination over the …

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Sydney Turns On Happiness !

One of the most amazing experiences I have had in my travels around the world is VIVID in Sydney which happens in May. For 18 days the city becomes an open air playground of lights and technology while indoors, people flock to conferences to see where their ideas fit within our rapidly changing world. I interviewed one of the masterminds behind the event, Anthony Bastic, a gentile, humble man who created this fete of light and other mind blowing creations for events like the Sydney Olympics, which I attended. At the opening ceremonies of that event, I thought,“could anyone ever top this?” Well, he did with VIVID! We marvel at …

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BlogFamilyLinda's BlogPeoplePersonalPhotosTravel

When Trees Eat Temples!

Training your brain to think of humbling experiences is a great exercise for the ego. One for me is Ta Prohm in Angkor, Cambodia, made famous in Lara Croft; Tomb Raiders with Angelina Jolie. This amazing temple which dates back to the 12th century was made to withstand the test of time yet again, nature outsmarts. The trees, some, 400 years old, send their roots down from a seed caught in the roof and grow for hundreds of years using the temple as support so when the trees die, the temple crumbles. Then one day the only record of this amazing structure will be what we capture on camera and …

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BlogLinda's BlogPhotosTravel


As I watched the rhino grazing in the African plain, I wondered if my grandkids would be looking at photos of rhinos in a book one day like we look at dinosaurs. Their extinction would be much more palatable if it were due to an ice age. However, they are being killed off in staggering numbers now for their horns which happen to be made of the same thing as our fingernails, keratin. So, if biting our fingernails doesn’t cure our ills or make us feel “horny,” killing rhinos won’t do the trick either. Rhino horns are also in high demand for dagger handles, a long standing status symbol of …

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Linda's BlogPhotosPlacesTravel

Burj Khalifa: On Top of the “Man Made” World!

Visiting Burj Khalifa While here in Dubai, Ian and I went to the top of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, measuring 829.8 m (2,722 ft). It is absolutely amazing and one should not visit Dubai without having the experience of the ascent, the view, and the state of the art sights and sounds on the way up to the top. We enjoyed a 60 second lift off to the 148th floor in an elevator that projected images of the tallest buildings around the world as we passed over them.   Flower of Life It was in the elevator that I noticed the Burj Khalifa’s logo on …

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