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Cheetah Ambassadors

Cheetah Fun Facts The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 113km/h. They can accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in just 3 seconds. When running, cheetahs use their tail to steer, like a rudder for a boat. Cheetahs are the only big cat that can turn in mid-air while sprinting. Cheetahs do not roar like lions, however they do have a range of other meaningful vocalizations such as purring, growling and a variety of contact calls which resemble bird-like chirping sounds. Females are solitary, whereas males tend to live in small groups of 2-3 individuals, usually brothers. Get up close and personal with …

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The Life Force in Oz

As I drank out of yet another plastic bottle, I could hear the late George Carlin in his epic, “Save the Planet” monologue, the earth just wanted the human race to invent plastic and now she will dispose of us like we dispose of plastic. Anyway, I must do better. If I do, I know things everywhere will get better.  As Gandhi said, “Change yourself, change the world. I believe this! Clarence from the Mingingbal people of Australia, shows us how 30,000 years of his ancestors’ living in sync with the planet can be our course now. They knew the difference between dominion over the earth and domination over the …

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